Dive into the Dialogue Sessions
On this page, you will find information, slides and other key documents from the 18 Dialogue Sessions hosted from 2021 to 2024 in preparation for COPs 15 and 16. In these Sessions, experts, policymakers, and stakeholders gathered to address important issues in the field of biodiversity finance, exchanging knowledge and building opportunities for collaboration.
Over the course of 2021 and 2022, we hosted the first 15 Dialogue Sessions leading up to COP15 in Montreal. These Sessions covered topics including the mobilisation of private funds, contributions to the G20 agenda, aligning all financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), and the development of a common position for including this alignment on the agenda of the COP15 negotiations. Most recently, the IDFB hosted three Dialogue Sessions in 2024 ahead of COP16 in Cali to discuss implementation of the GBF at the national level, focusing on different approaches to financing nature.

2024 Dialogue Sessions
Below you can find an overview of the three IDFB Dialogue Sessions hosted in 2024 in the run-up to COP16, including the agendas, meeting reports, and slides from the speakers of each session.
IDFB18: Scaling up financing for ecosystem services
On October the 15th 2024, IDFB18 delved into the world of ecosystem services.
Nature degradation and declining biodiversity worldwide does not only pose risks to all life (including human) on earth, but also to our economies and financial sectors. The concept of ecosystem services and their monetary value can help to make better investment decisions for biodiversity and to scale-up financing nature. The international community has called on the private financial sector to play its part in halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, by including the need to gather financial resources from “all sources” towards the goals and targets of the Global Biodiversity Framework(GBF). Target 19d of the GBF specifically calls upon “stimulating innovative schemes such as payment for ecosystem services, green bonds, biodiversity offsets and credits, and benefit-sharing mechanisms, with environmental and social safeguards”.
In this Session, we have dived into the importance of ecosystem services for the financial sector and how these services can be valued. Mieke Siebers from the Foundation for Sustainable Development presented the findings of the study Exploration of the role of (data on) ecosystem services valuation in landscape development:a first comparison between projects in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Ireland, which was commissioned by The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). IDFB chair Caroline van Leenders from the Governments of The Netherlands presented findings from a recent study on Strategies to Scale-up Payments for Ecosystem Services. Sonja Stuchtey shared how they incorporate and measure ecosystem services within the financial schemes that they develop as part of the Landbanking Group, and how they aim to mobilize private financial flows for ecosystem services.
Below you can find key documents regarding this session:
- The results and insights of the 18th IDFB session.
- The slides from IDFB18 on Scaling up financing for ecosystem services
IDFB17: How front-running global investors are closing the biodiversity funding gap
On September 17th 2024, IDFB17 delved into the world of private finance and discussed how front-running global investors are working to close the global biodiversity finance gap.
In this Session, we heard from Claudia Kruse, the investment manager of Dutch pension fund APG (with over €500 billion of assets under management), about the steps APG has been taking to address this finance gap and on the role and needs of global investors in helping to achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework. Natacha Boric of Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation (representing 177 financial institutions committed to the protection of biodiversity) joined us to share insights from the upcoming discussion paper on building a working definition of Finance for Nature Positive that can support practices of financial institutions across financial portfolios, asset classes, and activities of private financial institutions. The session concluded with Hadrien Gaudin-Hamama, Impact & ESG specialist at Mirova and co-chair of the Positive Impact working group of the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation, with a reflection on the discussed topics and on the key insights that can be brought to the discussions in Cali.
Below you can find key documents regarding this session:
- The full Agenda of IDFB17
- The results and insights of the 17th IDFB session.
- The slides from IDFB17 on How front-running global investors are closing the biodiversity funding gap
- The slides of Natacha Boric on Finance for Nature Positive
IDFB16: Locally Led Financing
The first IDFB Dialogue Session of 2024 took place on Tuesday 3rd September.
The session kicked off with an introduction from Caroline van Leenders on the work of the IDFB and sharing some key lessons and learnings on local financing from the IDFB Paper: Developing Blended Finance Capacity for Nature on a National Level.
Following this, Ramson Karmushu reflected on the Reversing the Flow Programme in Kenya. We then heard from Aaron Vermeulen and Sandra Valenzuela from WWF, who introduced us to the Herencia Colombia Project: Finance for Permanence that helps to mobilize private capital and drive innovation and impact towards nature and landscapes. Finally, our key note speaker – Samantha Power of Finance for Gaia – presented her recently published book: Bioregional Finance Facilities, drawing the line between local and global finance approaches.
Below you can find key documents regarding this session:
2021 and 2022 Dialogue Sessions
The tabs below offer a glimpse into the meetings that took place in preparation for the COP15 conference in Montreal, Canada. By clicking on each tab, you can access summaries, documents, and presentations from these Dialogue Sessions. Dive in and draw inspiration from the discussions and insights shared!
IDFB15 at COP15: 10 Policy actions from the IDFB Common Ground paper
December 13, 2022
The fifteenth, and final, session of the IDFB will take place on December 13th 2022 at the Renaissance Downtown Hotel, Montréal. The 15th session will focus on the 10 policy actions of the IDFB paper on finding common ground on the alignment of all financial flows with the goals and targets of the GBF. In this session we will have and great opportunity to meet each other in person and discuss which next steps to take together. We will address questions such as: How can we cooperate to take action on the alignment of all financial flows? What are actions to prioritize in NBFPs? Which tools are available? And, what is needed to further support capacity building? We are looking forward to discussing these questions with you at COP15 and with experts in the room.
To join this event, you can find us at:
Renaissance Montréal Downtown Hotel,
1250 Blvd Robert-Bourassa,
Montréal, QC
H3B 3B8,
IDFB14: Implementing the alignment of all financial flows with the goals and targets of the GBF
November 22, 2022
The fourteenth session, and final online session, of the IDFB will take place on November 22nd 2022. The focus of this meeting will be upon practical ways to implement and realise the alignment of all financial flows with the GBF goals and targets. Ms. Saskia de Vries of the NGFS and Mr. Jeremy Eppel of NatureFinance will present during this session.
Meeting documents
- The Agenda for the 14th session of the IDFB.
- The results and insights of the 14th IDFB session.
IDFB13: Where do we stand now and where do we want to go?
Oktober 25, 2022
The thirteenth session of the IDFB took place on October 25th 2022. This meeting focused on the current state of the alignment of all financial flows with the goals and targets of the proposed text for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The main theme was: Where do we stand, and where do we want to go? To answer these central questions. Nathalie Olsen of the UNEP Climate Finance Unit presented the group an update on the most recent State of Finance for Nature report of UNEP, and insights into the current state of financing for Nature-based Solutions. Building on this, Nicolas Poolen, WWF Green Finance Advisor, provided the participants of the session with insights into the steps which can be taken to green financial regulation and supervision.
Meeting documents
- Agenda for the 13th session of the IDFB.
- Meeting notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 13.
- Slides from the presentation of Natalie Olsen of the UNEP Climate Finance Unit on the latest State of Finance for Nature: Scaling up finance for nature-based solutions.
IDFB12: The interplay between NBFPs and alignment of all financial flows with the GBF
September 27, 2022
The twelfth session of the IDFB, hosted in September 2022, focused on the interplay between National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs) and the alignment of all financial flows with the GBF. During this meeting, the discussion panel of key experts provided insight into what roles NBFPs can play in advancing the alignment of all financial flows with the goals of the GBF. Numerous initiatives and participants were invited to present their roadmaps and action plans in the lead up to COP 15.
Meeting documents
- Agenda of the 12th session of the IDFB.
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 12.
- Slides on the IDFB’s Roadmap to COP15.
- Slides from Anita de Horde’s presentation on Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundations actions towards COP15.
- Slides from the UNDP-BIOFIN presentation of Onno van den Heuvel on Aligning finance flows from the global to local level with the GBF.
IDFB11: TNFD and its community
August 30, 2022
The eleventh IDFB session was hosted on August 30th, 2022. In this eleventh meeting, the key-note speaker Mr. Andrew Mitchell presented the TNFD and its community, as well as its importance for the GBF. A number of different initiatives also provided updates to the IDFB community during this meeting, including Jeremy Eppel of the Nature Finance Initiative. As part of these updates, these initiatives also shared with the group their planned roadmaps in preparation for the COP15 in December.
Meeting documents
- Agenda of the 11th session of the IDFB.
- Meeting Notes – Results and insights from IDFB 11.
- Presentation slides of Jeremy Eppel (F4B Initiative) – Increasing the Nature Alignment of Global Financial Flows.
IDFB10: Negotiations on resource mobilization and alignment of financial flows
June 30, 2022
The tenth IDFB session was hosted on June 30th, 2022, following the negotiations on Resource Mobilisation and the Alignment of Financial Flows under the fourth Open-ended Working Group (OWG-4) in Nairobi, Kenya. In this tenth meeting, IDFB participants were invited to reflect on their experiences and impressions of the negotiations, and to identify what they found to be the remaining challenges to overcome in the run up to COP15.
Meeting documents
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 10.
IDFB9: Reflecting on current developments
June 2, 2022
The ninth IDFB session was held on June 2nd, 2022. During this hybrid session, participants reflected on current developments on working towards the alignment of all financial flows, and were invited to give comment and feedback on the IDFBs proposed common ground paper. Furthermore, participants discussed the proposition of transitioning the IDFB into a ‘friends of alignment’ group. Participants looked ahead to the negotiations expected in Nairobi and the next steps to be taken in the preparation for IDFB 10.
Meeting documents
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 9.
- The Proposed outline for the Common Ground paper that is currently being worked on by the IDFB (also available in .ppt format).
IDFB8: Key take-aways from IDFB7 and defining next steps
April 6, 2022
The eighth IDFB session, hosted on April 26th, 2022, took place in its usual virtual format again. Members reflected on the IDFB 7 session that was hosted in person in Geneva during March 2022, and discussed key-take-aways and next steps. The remainder of the meeting focused on two presentations regarding biodiversity finance by representatives of BIOFIN Mexico and Belize, and the Sustainable Finance Lab.
Meeting documents
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 8.
IDFB7: Exchanging ideas about the IDFB
March 19, 2022
The seventh IDFB session, hosted in March 2022, was the first IDFB session to be held in person since its establishment. The session was hosted in Geneva, and members were able to meet face-to-face to get to know each other and to discuss and exchange ideas on the IDFB Storyline. In this meeting, members also discussed how IDFB and its members can contribute to the development and implementation of the alignment of all financial flows so as to align them with the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Finally, members also discussed their ideas on next steps for the development of National Biodiversity Finance Plans (NBFPs).
Meeting documents
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 7
IDFB6: Sharing the results of the World Bank report on Nature-Related Risks for Ministries of Finance
February 22, 2022
The sixth IDFB session focused on presenting and discussing the results of the World Bank report: ‘Nature-related Risks for Ministries of Finance’. In this session, Parties discussed how ministries of finance can act in order to better manage and mitigate risks nature and climate related risks within the financial sector.
Meeting documents
- This presentation offers preliminary insights with regards to the report ‘Nature-related Risks for Ministries of Finance: An Overview’.
- Greening Sovereign Debt Performance: Shared Risk and Rewards in Financing the Transition (Finance for Biodiversity initiative)
- Towards an Integrated Transition Framework: Managing Risks and Opportunities at the Nature-Climate Nexus (Finance for Biodiversity initiative)
IDFB5: Peer-to-peer learning
January 25, 2022
The fifth IDFB session had an emphasis on peer-to-peer learning, and featured presentations from several interesting speakers, on a range of topics, including on biodiversity finance initiatives in France, Nepal, Uganda, and South Africa. In addition, Business for Nature presented recent developments related to the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. In response to previously expressed needs during IDFB sessions, the IDFB launched a new helpline for Parties who are looking for technical and practical knowledge, as well as hands-on experience with regards to finance and biodiversity.
Meeting documents
- Meeting Notes – Results and Insights from IDFB 5
- Presentation on new French legislation “29-LEC”; providing extensive details on expected disclosures from financial institutions across both biodiversity and climate.
- Presentation on how the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment of South Africa is on the road towards finalising its National Biodiversity Finance Plan (NBFP).
- Presentation on the Implementation of the Nepalese National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP)
- Presentation on The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation and the new position paper: “Aligning financial flows with biodiversity goals and targets”.
IDFB4: Workshop on aligning financial flows
December 9, 2021
This fourth IDFB session established a link to the CBD Secretariat workshop on Aligning Financial Flows with the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. During the G20 meeting and the online CBD Secretariat workshop, there was a discussion on the need to find a way for Parties to engage in informal knowledge sharing. The importance of this in translating progress on the topic of financial alignment into the design of a strong Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was stressed.
Meeting documents
IDFB3: Contribution to the G20 Meeting
December 7, 2021
The third IDFB session focused on the contribution to the G20 meeting of Environmental Deputies on strengthening the biodiversity finance agenda in the G20 and in the Finance in Common process.
Meeting documents
IDFB2: Reflecting on finance and biodiversity webinars
October 26, 2021
The second IDFB session focused on reflecting on relevant finance and biodiversity webinars organized in October 2021 by Finance in Common, the OECD, and the EU Business and Biodiversity Platform.
Meeting documents
IDFB1: How to mobilize private funds with public money
September 21, 2021
The first session of the IDFB was held in September of 2021. This first IDFB session focused on how the mobilizing private funds with public money can be achieved in order to decrease the funding for nature and biodiversity gap; whilst the important role of public banks for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was also discussed by Parties.