Dive in to our Dialogue Sessions

On this page, you can find information, slides and other key documents on all of the Dialogue Sessions in preparation for COP15 and Cop16 where experts, policymakers, and stakeholders gathered to address important issues in the field of biodiversity finance. 

Over the course of 2021 – 2022, we hosted over 15 Dialogue Sessions, covering topics such as the mobilisation of private funds, contributions to the G20 agenda, aligning all financial flows with the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), and the development of a common position for getting this alignment on the agenda of the COP15 negotiations. In 2022, a further three Dialogue Sessions were hosted to discuss implementation of the GBF at the national level, focusing on different approaches to financing nature. 

These sessions have been crucial for exchanging knowledge and collaborating on solutions for sustainable finance. Below you can access the agendas and summaries of results from each of the 18 Dialogue Sessions. 


2024 Dialogue Sessions

Below you can find an overview of the three IDFB Dialogue Sessions hosted in 2024 in the run-up to COP16, including the agendas, meeting reports, and slides from the speakers of each session.

2021 - 2022 Dialogue Sessions ​

The tabs below offer a glimpse into the meetings that took place in preparation for the COP15 conference in Montreal, Canada. By clicking on each tab, you can access summaries, documents, and presentations from these Dialogue Sessions. Dive in and draw inspiration from the discussions and insights shared!